14 Things To Remember When Doing A Podcast

One more way of connecting you with the world. One more way you can learn about absolutely anything happening anywhere in the world through your mobile device. That’s what describes podcasts the best, right? They could have been recorded in Manhattan, and you could be listening to them in Tokyo feeling like the person is right next to you. 

Source: https://foundr.com/starting-a-podcast/

Making the world smaller and giving everyone more content, it is no surprise why podcasts are getting everyone hooked. However, not every podcast is going to make people invest their time; it needs to be good in order to develop an audience. Below are some pointers for podcasts:

Interesting Topic 

Choose something you are passionate about. If you choose something you absolutely believe in, it will help the audience to connect more with you. People connect when they feel your interest in the topic. For something that is not interesting to you, it will not connect to the audience at a desirable level.


Make sure your voice is clear while speaking. You shouldn’t be too close to the microphone and do not mumble the words. The higher the clarity of the podcast, the better the chances of people being hooked to it. No one would like to listen to something that is incoherent. Do not breathe into the recorder. That is an absolute no-no.

Source: Chris Ward cultofmac.com

Voice Modulation 

The entire podcast cannot be done on monotone, that will make it boring. Ensure to module your voice in line with the topic, to stress at the correct places and to increase the pitch wherever required. Make the podcast fun by talking like you are right next to the person.


The diction of your podcast will decide whether the audience is coming back for the next episode. Your podcast must have fun catch phrases, interesting choice of words, unique style of speaking and impeccable delivery of the same. This will ensure the listener to come back for more.

Background Noise 

When recording a podcast, there shouldn’t be any background noise. A simple thing like a fan in the background can affect your recording. Any constant buzzing that hampers your voice has to be eliminated. No one likes to listen to a voice that comes with an irritating background sound.

Source:  http://www.regenmedia.co.uk/what-preparation-should-i-do-before-recording-my-podcast/


Stay on the topic, do not diverge. When people are speaking, sometimes they hardly realize that they have gone astray from what was actually supposed to be said. The listener has chosen your podcast to listen to what it is actually about and not unnecessary blabber. Plan your podcast well so that it doesn’t lose its structure.


Construct your podcast in a way that keeps the audience gripped to it. Making an interesting start but slacking away later does not help. You want the user to listen from start to end and then come back for more. Pour your passion into it and target your audience well.

Source:  https://www.fantasticoh.com/beep?id=4945a25b60ba410f&fc=true&og=false

Provide Examples 

One of the tips that again focuses on how to keep your audiences hooked is to give real-life examples to emphasize the point of the podcast. People believe more when they are explained with an incident that has happened in actuality. Keeping the podcast realistic will work in your favor.

Evenly Paced 

When a podcast has a lot of speed at the start but gets slow towards the end with no semblance at the middle, that wouldn’t sit well with anyone. Make sure the podcast has it’s interesting picks the entire time. And not just in one episode but in all episodes. The pace should be even and understandable throughout. Consistency is the key.

No Disturbance 

Do not record the podcast at a place which is prone to noise outburst from outside. You cannot record beside a window and expect people to ignore the noise. Be responsible in your choices while picking a recording place. If you are using your phone or tablet to record, make sure it is placed on a proper mobile phone stand or a tablet tripod stand so that it is not moved and voice will be stable.

Source:  https://medium.com/the-mission/the-25-best-history-podcasts-you-need-to-listen-to-ccf98527bdda

Good Microphone 

If you are investing in your podcast, invest wisely. Kindly ensure that you use a good microphone to record the broadcast. Your biggest asset in a podcast is your voice, and you must take all necessary steps to ensure that your voice reaches to people in a pleasant manner. A good microphone takes the podcast to another level.

Editing Tool 

Once recorded, you’ll need to edit the podcast. Use a good editing tool to ensure that the podcast is seamless and pleasant. Edit your podcast wisely and ensure that no important parts are cut of missed out as that will lose the essence of the podcast. A lot of things requires technical work in the podcast; it is imperative that it be done cautiously.

Podcasting Website 

Merely creating a good podcast is not enough; it has to reach people. Use a good podcasting website to publish your work. When such efforts are made to record and make an entire podcast, put some more in finding a true source of connecting with your audience. Don’t settle for anything less than what you think your podcast deserves.

Source:  https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/learn-english-radio/

Create an Identity 

Your audience and listeners cannot see you. You are communicating through your voice. There has to be something in your podcast that is just yours. The one element that will distinguish you from all other podcasters. Create your identity. That one tradition that is solitary to you and your audience. It could be a simply anything, the way you open your podcast or the way you end it, something unique you say or that one quirk which goes on to become your identity.


These are our two cents on podcasting hoping to help and make a difference. No matter what anyone says, ultimately what works for you is what works for you. It is very subjective. Find your thing and wing it. However what cannot change is the bare essentials, so keep them steady.

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